All of my dogs have been rescue dogs and all of them have been wonderful, so rescue dogs hold a special place in my heart. Each time I've been looking for a new dog to adopt, I've been amazed by the hard work so many people do to help save these dogs. I wanted to help in the best way I can, so I happily provide free photo services to rescue organizations and shelters in the DC/MD/VA area.
I am a member of HeARTs Speak, a non-profit organization that connects artists and shelters/rescues all over the world. Together we are working hard to increase the number of animals that are adopted and reduce the number of animals that are euthanized in shelters every day. Experience shows that a good photo can make a world of difference in attracting potential adopters and I feel great whenever I learn that an animal I've photographed has found a new home. Frankly, it's the best form of compensation I can receive. Here's just one example of the comments I hear:
"Just wanted to let you know that your photos of Harry generated interest within one day. Since posting we've had four different families inquire. We're still looking for the right family to adopt, but we have renewed optimism that we will find them soon." -- Jackie from Puppy Paws Rescue
Sure enough, Harry found a forever home shortly thereafter! So please don't hesitate to call or email me if you need photo assistance for a dog you are helping to re-home.
Below are just some of the rescue dogs that I have photographed in the past. All of these dogs were adopted within a very short period after their photos appeared on the rescue organization's website.
All of my HeARTs Speak work is done at my studio (in my home in Odenton, MD). If you work with an animal shelter or rescue organization and would like me to photograph the animals you have available for adoption, please do not hesitate to contact me.