The Shots I DON'T Have (Can You Help?)

January 24, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Photographers are always showcasing their most recent awesome image.  That's not what this post is about; it's about the images I DON'T have, but would love to showcase someday.  In addition to creating beautiful images for paying clients, I'm always brainstorming about epic images I'd love to create just because I want to exercise my creativity.  These images fall under the "personal project" umbrella.  In 2017 I did two such projects and two resultant images are shown below:


Here are just a few potential subjects on my personal projects list for 2018:

1.  A true dock-diving dog.  I'm looking for a dog that will fling himself or herself recklessly off the end of a dock in pursuit of a ball tossed into the water.  This shoot is going to require some interesting logistics as, like most of my work, I will still be using studio lighting in this watery environment!  No need to worry about safety and electrocution, just the damage to $1,000s worth of equipment.  But, hey, that's my problem and the images I have in mind from this session will be worth the risk.  But I am NOT so crazy as to attempt this at this time of year; this one will have to wait until summer.

2.  K9 officers and their handlers.  I have a great deal of respect for all police officers and I'd love to do a tribute by creating some epic environmental portraiture work for some officers.  And, since I love photographing people and their dogs, it makes sense for this shoot to be with officers from the K9 unit.  The images I have in mind would be made at night with all kinds of cool ambient (background) lighting.

3.  Performers.  I would love to work with other artists -- such as musicians or dancers -- to create images of them performing their craft in a way that adds texture and drama.  Location scouting will play a significant role in this shoot.

If you're reading this and know someone (or a dog) that fits one of these descriptions, I'd love to talk to them.  These personal projects are always a fun collaboration of talent and the participant ends up with some great images for themselves at no cost.


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